Do you even Row Bro?

Posted by Angie Lamoree on

All the cool kids are doing it!  Are you?

The row by row experience started in 2011 with only 20 shops participating.  In 6 short years, it has become an actual event with over 3,000 quilt shops playing along. 


5 Little Monkeys 2017 Row by Row sample


How does it work you ask?

The rules are pretty simple...

1. Visit local quilt shops (you have to physically go into the stores).

2. Ask for the pattern the store has designed.

3. Get either a free pattern or a pre-packaged pattern for purchase.

4. Make the row.

5. If you collect 8 rows from various shops - make a quilt, quilt the quilt, bind and label the quilt.

6. Bring the finished quilt to a participating shop (ours preferably).

If you are the first one to bring your completed quilt into our store, you will win a fat quarter bundle.  Anyone that brings a completed quilt with OUR row in your quilt, you will get a special prize too!!

You can collect the patterns between June 21 - September 5, 2017.  Your completed quilt must be presented in the store anytime between the beginning and October 31 to get the prize. 

If you want to read the rest of the rules, you can find them here


Moda All in a Row Again book


Wanna help raise money for Make a Wish Foundation?  Here is a new way to help.  As part of the program this year, you have to opportunity to get the 9th Row pattern.  It is a bonus pattern that can be picked up at our shop if you make a $5 donation.  ALL proceeds from the sale of these patterns will be sent directly to Make a Wish!


5 Little Monkeys 2017 9th Row Sample


Sew, join us, have some fun, make some friends and get rowing!

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